The Queen of electric cars, both in Scandinavia and Europe is still Norway, but there are other countries close to reach Norway soon. Such as Denmark.

In fact, while EU is knowing a significant growing of the electric vehicles market, with a 36.3% of increase in 2023 on 2022, Danish growing is stronger and bigger, and makes this old Monarchy one of the frontrunners in the electric transition.

Expectations for 2024 are magnificent, for the e-addicted

These details are released by De Danske Bilimportører (“The Danish Car Importers”) and te document says also Europe reached 9 millions of new cars at the end of October 2023, with a 16.7% increase compared to October 2022. But Denmark does it better:  the Danish car market experienced a remarkable 22% growth in October alone compared to the previous year. And thanks to electric vehicles.

In October, a total of 121,808 new electric vehicles were registered across EU countries, reflecting a remarkable 36.3% growth compared to October 2022. This means that over the first ten months of 2023, an impressive 1.2 million new electric vehicles hit the roads in the EU.

Image: Nio

Denmark is setting an impressive pace in the electric vehicle market, boasting a staggering 100.7% growth in EV sales compared to October 2022, second only to Belgium (147.3%). According to Mads Rørvig, CEO of De Danske Bilimportører, Denmark’s success is due to its geographical manageability and a well-established charging infrastructure.

Despite already witnessing a nearly threefold increase in the number of electric vehicles on Danish roads since January 2022, Mads Rørvig envisions even more significant growth in the near future. He predicts that by 2024, more than half of all newly registered cars in Denmark will be pure electric vehicles, and that means Denmark could overcome Sweden and Finland.  Currently, approximately one-third of new cars in Denmark run solely on electric power.

While Denmark leads the way, and Nordics in general, the other European countries face challenges such as inadequate charging infrastructure and longer commuting distances, especially in Southern Europe, with Italy being the only of the Bigs with a slow growth for Electric cars, together with Spain. A bit better in France, and in Germany above all.

Nevertheless, there is a shared EU goal: as of January 1, 2035, it will be illegal to sell fossil fuel-powered cars in the EU. And Scandinavain countries, with they higher taxation on petrol and diesel vehicles, lead the transition, at the moment.


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